Do I Have To Go To Court If I File A Car Accident Case?

If you have been in a car accident, you may be wondering if you have to go to court if you file a case. The answer depends on the type of case you file. While some cases settle outside of court due to negotiation between the claimant, the defendant, and their respective insurance companies, other cases go to trial when negotiations break down, or one of the parties wishes to reach a verdict in front of the court. The legal procedure is complicated, and it is easy to get lost in the paperwork. Hence, it is best to hire an Injury Lawyer in Windsor who has knowledge of the procedure and can get you a proper settlement.

There are many reasons your case may not be settled and why it may go to trial. Some of the most common include:

•    Indecisive insurance adjuster. The insurance adjuster may be unable to decide on the value of your case. If this is the case, you will most likely have to file a lawsuit and take your case to a judge and jury if you want compensation for your injuries.
•    Caps on damages. If there is a cap on damages in your state, or if liability is disputed, then going to trial may be the only way to obtain compensation for medical bills and other damages that exceed that cap. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Windsor can help you evaluate the merits of your claim and give you an idea of how much your claim might be worth.
•    Liability dispute. If you and the defendant disagree on who is at fault for the accident that led to the injury, the case will likely go to trial. For example, suppose you believe that you sustained injuries because of a defective product, but the manufacturer believes you injured yourself because of your negligence. In that case, they may take the case to court to resolve their disagreement over liability. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Windsor can help you file the lawsuit against the responsible party or parties and collect evidence, take photographs, and document details of your injuries.
•    Credibility dispute. The defendant may dispute the severity of your injuries or claim that you were partially responsible for causing them. This can be particularly likely if there is debate about whether or not another person contributed to causing your injuries — such as someone who ran a stop sign, causing an accident with another driver who was speeding. You need to know all of your rights so that your case can be presented effectively. Hiring an Injury Lawyer in Windsor will ensure that you do not lose out on any benefits you deserve. For more information visit Our Website